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Vendor Registration Form
Must submit a new registration with payment each Thursday prior to Sundays game unless applying 4 week pass.
If serving foods, drinks or retail of any sort, the DONATION fee is $45.00 per event or $130.00 for a FOUR WEEK DAY PASS which takes place each Sunday, starting SUNDAY, JUNE 30TH 2024. Please note that all fees are non-refundable. Once your application has been approved a member from the organization will contact you with further instructions 1st week of June 2024.


For more information please contact us at 619-846-5420


Upload your Logo | or Email your Logo to ( optional )
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Please Read in Full Before Submitting this Application

By clicking the "SUBMIT APPLICATION" button and checking the terms & conditions checkbox within this form, you are agreeing that all of the information you have entered is correct and true without false statement(s). You also agree by entering your full name below you acknowledge this acts as your electronic signature which holds equal legal authority as your hand written signature. 


​You hereby agree to comply with the requirements and standards set fourth herein. You also understand and accept that PHATCAMP ORGANIZATION, it's subsidiaries, partners and staff will not be liable for any damages, lost or stolen items or bodily injuries whatsoever. You also accept and agree that PHATCAMP ORGANIZATION, it's subsidiaries, partners and staff is not and will not be held accountable or liable for any accidents caused to you. Furthermore, you are aware that there are no refunds whatsoever including in the event of a game cancelation or any other cancelation.

Thanks for submitting!

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